In case you need a powerful hosting solution for your Internet sites, you shall need a standalone hosting server because a shared website hosting plan may not be capable of handling the load or you may simply need some software to be present on the hosting server. While a shared web server is maintained by the hosting provider, this is not the case with a virtual or a dedicated server, thus you will have to deal with many different tasks such as keeping a backup of your content or the installation of software. This could be a problem in the event that you don't have a lot of experience or you simply do not have time to deal with this type of issues. For this kind of circumstances we offer a Managed Services upgrade, which features a variety of tasks our system admins can execute for you, saving you the time and the inconvenience to do them yourself. This upgrade will enable you to start and maintain a successful web presence and you can focus on developing your websites as opposed to handling small tedious tasks.
Managed Services Package in VPS Servers
You could order the Managed Services upgrade for any one of our VPS server solutions either during the signup process or afterwards using your billing account if you require it. You could also decide if you shall do this only one time and not renew the upgrade the subsequent month or if you will use the service for as long as you employ the virtual private server since a wide range of things are included. As an example, if you install some software on the hosting server and something bad happens, we will be able to restore everything the way it was since the Managed Services pack features standard backups of the entire virtual private server. Moreover, our administrators will keep track of the server and the processes running on it, so they'll be able to reboot it if needed. They could also set up any third-party software that you require or troubleshoot a script program that does not work efficiently. They'll also make certain that your virtual private server works as effectively as possible as they will update the OS with the latest security updates which are released.